Applications Computer

Get 1GB Free DropBox Space With DropBox Quest 2011 – WalkThrough

If you don’t have DropBox already (or you don’t know what it is), you should get it. Basically, it allows you to store, share, and sync you files in the cloud and on your other computers.

But for now, I am going to walk you through how you can get 1GB of free extra space on your DropBox account through DropBox’s DropQuest 2011.

Note: If you don’t already have a DropBox account, you can get one by clicking here which will also give you an extra 250mb of space!

The DropBox DropQuest 2011 Walkthrough

Basically, all you have to do, is to visit the Page Link of all the steps.

Step 1:

What to do: To get started, visit  and log in to your Drop Box Account

Page Link:

Action: Click on “Let’s Get Started”

Step 2:

What to do: Answer the question 5305404/18681 = ?

Page Link:

Solution: 284

Action: 284 is a topic ID of a Forum Topic. Visit Look at post 3 and download It presents you with co-ordinates 38.889, -94.703 – that you search for in Google Maps. Find their mascot which is Huskies which you use the password to open the file  which provides you the link to the next step


Step 3:

What to do: Solve the picture puzzle:


Page Link:

Action: It will send you to

Step 4:

What to do: Answer question

Page Link:

Solution: 33739

Action: Enter 33739 into text box

Step 5:

What to do: Look at a this picture

Page Link:

Action: Visit

Step 6:

What to do: Solve Sudoku Puzzle

Page Link:



Action: Enter the solution

Step 7:

What to do: Go to the Dropbox Homepage

Page Link:

Action: Visit and click on link at top of page which takes you to

Step 8:

What to do: Research

Page Link:

Solution: Book can be found at which refers to Click on Katana-ya at at item 5 and download Step16 from

Action: Visit

Step 9:

What to do: Enter HEX value of picture

Page Link:

Solution: BAFF1E

Action: Enter BAFF1E

Step 10:

What to do: Solve word puzzle

Page Link:

Solution: Drew Houston

Action: Enter Drew Houston

Step 11:

What to do: It says “Help 206”

Page Link:

Solution: Visit

Action: Download step 21 and upload it into a Dropbox folder and share it with Now look into that folder, and you will see Hint22.txt appear which links to Visit and click on Rian Hunter’s name

Step 12:

What to do: Visit URL

Page Link:

Solution: Rainbow Shell

Action: Download and visit

Step 13:

What to do: Enter midi keys

Page Link:

Solution: badcabbage

Step 14:

What to do: Make paper crane

Page Link:

Solution: 11696 x 96911 = 1133471056

Action: Enter 1133471056

Step 15:

What to do: Enter last URL letter in each dropquest URL

Page Link:

Solution: Dr0pbox heaRts U

Step 16:

What to do: Finished

Page Link:

Action: Check out your hall of fame


And that’s it. You will now have an extra 1GB of space in your account.


Applications Computer

Gmail Now Lets You Drag and Drop Images Into Emails

Here’s a nice little improvement to Gmail, announced today on the official blog: to add an image into an email, simply drag and drop it there from your computer. You can then resize it and send it immediately.

This feature comes on the heels of a similar feature that let you drag and drop attachments into emails. The difference, however, is in the way images are displayed in the message; with this new feature, image is actually shown inline in the message (as opposed to being merely attached to it).

The feature currently works only in Google Chrome, but Google promises it will soon come to other browsers.

Applications Computer internet

Early reports show IE not faring well in the post-ballot screen days

Most PC users hit the web using Internet Explorer by default, simply because that’s what came along with Windows. Now, after antitrust investigations, European users get a choice of browser to install via ballot screen, and initial reports are not good for ‘ol IE. According to Statcounter, IE use in France has dropped 2.5 percent since last month’s implementation of the ballot, 1.3 percent in Italy, and 1 percent in Britain. It’s still early days, and it’ll take more than this to chip away from IE’s 62 percent lead in the browser war, but it’s certainly not a good trend for Microsoft. With that in mind, we’re going to have to ask you to place your bets now.

Source: Reuters

Applications Computer

15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know

In addition, Dropbox gives you another 250MB bonus for becoming a Dropbox “Guru.” Just head to the Getting Started section of the website, and complete five of the six steps listed. These are pretty simple requirements, which include taking the Dropbox tour, installing the desktop app, and sharing a folder with friends. This is the quickest and easiest way to get extra free storage without using any referrals.